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- Werkzaamheid en bevindingen van een geblindeerde gerandomiseerde herintroductiefase voor het FODMAP-dieet bij het prikkelbare darm syndroom. Van den Houte K, Colomier E, Routhiaux K, Mariën Z, Schol J, Van den Bergh J, Vanderstappen J, Pauwels N, Joos A, Arts J, Caenepeel P, De Clerck F, Matthys C, Meulemans A, Jones M, Vanuytsel T, Carbone F, Tack J. Gastroenterology, 2024, ISSN 0016-5085, https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2024.02.008.
- Zeldzame locaties voor jichttofi. Plankova Z, Jacques P, Van den bosch F. Reumatologie 2023, Vol. 2, 25 Maart 2022
- Belgische aanbevelingen voor analytische verificatie en validatie van immunohistochemische tests in laboratoria voor anatomische pathologie. Verbeke H, Van Hecke D, Bauraing C, Dierick A, Colleye O, Dalle I, Dewachter K, Guiot Y, Lequeu R, Vanderheyden N, Zwaenepoel K, Croes R. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 2024 Jan 1, 32(1): 1–16, Epub 2023 Oct 17.
- Therapeutic lymphangiography with ethiodized oil for the management of lymphoceles and chylous ascites. Verhaeghe L, Van Holsbeeck A, Bonne L, Claus E, Marrannes J, Vandenbulcke R, Jochmans I, Pirenne J, Maleux G. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, Volume 104, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 500-505.
- Bile acid malabsorption investigated by selenium-75-homocholic acid taurine (75SeHCAT) scans, a retrospective single-centre experience. Vulsteke F, De Gersem R, Arts J, Vanuytsel T. Acta Gastro Enterologica Belgica 2024 Oct: 87(3):381-387
- DOMINO trial post hoc analysis: evaluation of the diet effects on symptoms in IBS subtypes. Di Rosa C, Van den Houte K, Altomare A, Guarino MPL, Besard L, Arts J, Caenepeel P, Piessevaux H, Vandenberghe A, Matthys C, Biesiekierski JR, Capiau L, Ceulemans S, Gernay O, Jones L, Maes S, Peetermans C, Raat W, Stubbe J, Van Boxstael R, Vandeput O, Van Steenbergen S, Van Oudenhove L, Vanuytsel T, Jones M, Tack J, Carbone F. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2024 Jul 30
- Treatment of non-constipated irritable bowel syndrome with the histamine 1 receptor antagonist ebastine: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Decraecker L, De Looze D, Hirsch DP, De Schepper H, Arts J, Caenepeel P, Bredenoord AJ, Kolkman J, Bellens K, Van Beek K, Pia F, Peetermans W, Vanuytsel T, Denadai-Souza A, Belmans A, Boeckxstaens G. Gut. 2024 Feb 23;73(3):459-469.
- Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction, a New Motility Disorder: Single Center Case Series and Treatment Results. Arnaert S, Arts J, Raymenants K, Baert F, Delsupehe K. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2024 Apr 30;30(2):177-183
- Retrospective analysis of multiparametric MRI in predicting complete pathologic response of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in bladder cancer. De Maeseneer D, De Visschere P, Van den Broecke M, Delbare F, Villeirs G, Verbeke S, Fonteyne V, Van Praet C, Decaestecker K, Decruyenaere A, Rottey S.BMC Med Imaging. 2024 Oct 7;24(1):268. doi: 10.1186/s12880-024-01441-y.PMID: 39375642
- Rare type of Bellini Duct Carcinoma in a Patient With Cacchi-Ricci Disease: A Case Report and Mini-Review. Franco A, Tailly T, Berquin C, De Maeseneer D, Decruyenaere A, Verbeke S, De Visschere P, De Man K, Hermie L, Vanneste B, Van Praet C.Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2024 Dec;22(6):102202. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2024.102202. Epub 2024 Aug 13.PMID: 39288545
- Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors and taxanes in metastatic prostate cancer: an outcome-adaptive randomized platform trial. De Laere B, Crippa A, Discacciati A, Larsson B, Persson M, Johansson S, D'hondt S, Bergström R, Chellappa V, Mayrhofer M, Banijamali M, Kotsalaynen A, Schelstraete C, Vanwelkenhuyzen JP, Hjälm-Eriksson M, Pettersson L, Ullén A, Lumen N, Enblad G, Thellenberg Karlsson C, Jänes E, Sandzén J, Schatteman P, Nyre Vigmostad M, Olsson M, Ghysel C, Sautois B, De Roock W, Van Bruwaene S, Anden M, Verbiene I, De Maeseneer D, Everaert E, Darras J, Aksnessether BY, Luyten D, Strijbos M, Mortezavi A, Oldenburg J, Ost P, Eklund M, Grönberg H, Lindberg J.Nat Med. 2024 Nov;30(11):3291-3302. doi: 10.1038/s41591-024-03204-2. Epub 2024 Aug 20.PMID: 39164518. Clinical Trial.
- Impact of IgG Fc Glycosylation on Disease Dynamics in Patients With Primary Sjögren Disease. Achten H, Meuris L, Deroo L, Jarlborg M, Decruy T, Deprez J, Dumas E, De Boeck K, Genbrugge E, Bauters W, Dochy F, Creytens D, Roels D, Callewaert N, Elewaut D, Peene I. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Sep 29. doi: 10.1002/art.43018. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39344178
- Synbiotics in patients at risk for spontaneous preterm birth: protocol for a multi-centre, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial (PRIORI). Nulens K, Papy E, Tartaglia K, Dehaene I, Logghe H, Van Keirsbilck J, Chantraine F, Masson V, Simoens E, Gysemans W, Bruckers L, Lebeer S, Allonsius CN, Oerlemans E, Steensels D, Reynders M, Timmerman D, Devlieger R, Van Holsbeke C. Trials. 2024 Sep 17;25(1):615. doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-08444-8. PMID: 39289685; PMCID: PMC11406859.
- Differentiaaldiagnose bij depressie en intermitterend hypercortisolisme. E. Zaman, N. Van de Velde, P. Snauwaert, B. Lapauw, G. Lemmens. Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2022;64(7):466-469
- Pramipexol, Covid-19 en/of bariatrische heelkunde: place your bets. E. Lanckriet, P. Snauwaert. Tijdschr Geneesk 2023; 79: 754-761 (doi: 10.47671/TVG.79.23.012).
- Efficacy of Oral Nifedipine, Naproxen, or Placebo for Pain Relief During Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in an Office Setting: A Randomized Pilot Study. Van Wessel S, Rombaut J, Vanhulle A, Emanuel MH, Hamerlynck T, Weyers S. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2023 Jun;30(6):473-479. doi: 10.1016/j.jmig.2023.02.010. Epub 2023 Feb 16. PMID: 36804576.
- Completion surgery after intensity-modulated arc therapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: long-term follow-up and update on surgical outcome and oncologic results of a unique tertiary care single-center retrospective cohort. Van Damme A, Rombaut J, Makar A, De Jaeghere E, Naert E, Denys H, Salihi R, Tummers P, Vandecasteele K. World J Surg Oncol. 2023 Mar 8;21(1):84. doi: 10.1186/s12957-023-02971-5. PMID: 36882797; PMCID: PMC9993655.
- A survey on first aid knowledge in members of Flemish youth movements. Desmet L, Dierick F, Van den Eynde J, Toelen J, Cardoen F, Ysenbaert T. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 25 No. 2. Published 2023-07-10
- Revealing RB1 loss in an emerging entity: report of two cases of PRRX1-rearranged mesenchymal tumours. Cordier F, Fadaei S, Ferdinande L, Dochy F, Vanwalleghem L, Van Den Bossche K, Loontiens S, Van der Meulen J, Van Roy N, Van Dorpe J, Creytens D. J Clin Pathol. 2023 Dec 28:jcp-2023-209267. doi: 10.1136/jcp-2023-209267. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38154915 [ ] 2
- Long-term Data on Graft-Related Complications After Sacrocolpopexy With Lightweight Compared With Heavier-Weight Mesh. Page AS, Cattani L, Pacquée S, Claerhout F, Callewaert G, Housmans S, Van der Aa F, D'Hoore A, Deprest J. Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Jan 1;141(1):189-198. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000005021. Epub 2022 Nov 30. PMID: 36701619.
- Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy and incisional biopsy of the parotid gland are comparable in diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome. Deroo L, Genbrugge E, Dochy F, Creytens D, Achten H, De Boeck K, Bauters W, Roels D, Deprez J, Van den Bosch F, Elewaut D, Peene I. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 Aug 1;62(8):2765-2772. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac714. PMID: 36573316 [ ] 4
- Immediate effects of straw phonation in air or water on the laryngeal function and configuration of female speech-language pathology students visualized with strobovideolaryngoscopy: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Language & Communcation disorders. Meerschman I., D'haeseleer E., Dochy F., Van Lierde K. International journal of Language and communication disorders 2023
- External Validation of the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) Lexicon and the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis 2-Step Strategy to Stratify Ovarian Tumors Into O-RADS Risk Groups. Timmerman S, Valentin L, Ceusters J, Testa AC, Landolfo C, Sladkevicius P, Van Holsbeke C, Domali E, Fruscio R, Epstein E, Franchi D, Kudla MJ, Chiappa V, Alcazar JL, Leone FPG, Buonomo F, Coccia ME, Guerriero S, Deo N, Jokubkiene L, Kaijser J, Scambia G, Andreotti R, Timmerman D, Bourne T, Van Calster B, Froyman W. JAMA Oncol. 2023 Feb 1;9(2):225-233
- Benign descriptors and ADNEX in two-step strategy to estimate risk of malignancy in ovarian tumors: retrospective validation in IOTA5 multicenter cohort.
Landolfo C, Bourne T, Froyman W, Van Calster B, Ceusters J, Testa AC, Wynants L, Sladkevicius P, Van Holsbeke C, Domali E, Fruscio R, Epstein E, Franchi D, Kudla MJ, Chiappa V, Alcazar JL, Leone FPG, Buonomo F, Coccia ME, Guerriero S, Deo N, Jokubkiene L, Savelli L, Fischerova D, Czekierdowski A, Kaijser J, Coosemans A, Scambia G, Vergote I, Timmerman D, Valentin L. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Feb;61(2):231-242. - Preterm birth during the COVID-19 pandemic: more, less, or just the same? Dehaene I, Van Holsbeke C, Roelens K, van Oostrum NN, Nulens K, Smets K, Van Hoestenberghe MR, Naulaers G, Devlieger R. Acta Clin Belg. 2023 Apr;78(2):140-159
- Mental Health during the Interpregnancy Period and the Association with Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Body Composition: Data from the INTER-ACT Randomized Controlled Trial. Van Uytsel H, Ameye L, Devlieger R, Jacquemyn Y, Van Holsbeke C, Schreurs A, Bogaerts A. Nutrients. 2023 Jul 14;15(14):3152.
- Fluorescence guidance during robotic resection of bladder wall endometriosis: case report and technique. Bruneel Y, Ghysel C, Van Holsbeke C, Van Trappen P.J Surg Case Rep. 2023 Oct 31;2023
- Multiclass risk models for ovarian malignancy: an illustration of prediction uncertainty due to the choice of algorithm. Ledger A, Ceusters J, Valentin L, Testa A, Van Holsbeke C, Franchi D, Bourne T, Froyman W, Timmerman D, Van Calster B. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2023 Nov 24;23(1):276.
- Treatment with the histamine 1 receptor antagonist ebastine for non-constipated irritable bowel syndrome: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. Decraecker, L.; De Looze, D.; Hirsch, D.; De Schepper, H.; Arts, J.; Caenepeel, P.; Bredenoord, A. J.; Vanuytsel, T.; Belmans, A.; Boeckxstaens, G. Sep 2023
NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. - Revealing RB1 loss in an emerging entity: report of two cases of PRRX1-rearranged mesenchymal tumours. Cordier F, Fadaei S, Ferdinande L, Dochy F, Vanwalleghem L, Van Den Bossche K, Loontiens S, Van der Meulen J, Van Roy N, Van Dorpe J, Creytens D. J Clin Pathol. 2023 Dec 28:jcp-2023-209267. doi: 10.1136/jcp-2023-209267. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38154915
- Post-Alemtuzumab Graves' disease remitting after switch to ocrelizumab. Acta Neurologica Belgica volume 122, pages 1117-1120 (2022). Veronica Popescu, Annemie Beirinckx, Brigitte Decallonne.
- Transperineal MRI-US Fusion-Guided Target Biopsy of the Prostate after Abdominoperineal Resection: A Case Report.
De Vulder N, Geldof K, Baekelandt F, Gieraerts K. J; Belg Soc Radiol. 2021 Oct 14;105(1):57. doi: 10.5334/jbsr.2583. PMID: 34712898; PMCID: PMC8516009. - Safety and efficacy of software-assisted MRI-TRUS fusion-guided transperineal prostate biopsy in an outpatient setting using local anaesthesia
De Vulder N, Slots C, Geldof K, Ramboer K, Dekimpe P, Uvin P, Walgraeve MS, Van Holsbeeck A, Gieraerts K.; Abdom Radiol (NY). 2023 Feb;48(2):694-703.
doi: 10.1007/s00261-022-03745-5. Epub 2022 Nov 18. PMID: 36399208. - Ultrasound‐guided core needle biopsy and incisional biopsy of the parotid gland are comparable in diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome. Deroo L, Genbrugge E., Dochy F, ... Peene I. Reumatology (Ofxord) 2022
- The value of separate detection of anti‐Ro52, anti‐Ro60 and anti‐SSB/La reactivities in relation to diagnosis and phenotypes in prmary Sjögren's syndrome. Deroo L, ... Dochy F, ... Peene I. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2022
- Discriminative power of salivary gland ultrasound in relation to endotypes in suspected and definite primary Sjögren's syndrome. Deroo L, ... Dochy F, ... Peene I. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2022. Abstract and presentation at EULAR congress 2022
- Vulvodynie: een uitdaging voor artsen.
Ghysbrecht C, Claerhout F Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 2022 https://doi.org/10.47671/TVG.78.22.135 - Long term data on graft-related complications after sacrocolpopexy with lightweight compared with heavier-weight mesh. Page AS, Cattani L, Pacquée S, Claerhout F, Callewaert G, Housmans S, Van der Aa F, D'Hoore A, Deprest J. Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Jan 1;141(1):189-198
- Cycle Threshold Probability Score for Immediate and Sensitive Detection of B.1.351 SARS-CoV-2 Lineage.
De Smet D, Vanhee M, Maes B, Swaerts K, De Jaeger P, Maelegheer K, Van Hoecke F, Martens GA. Am J Clin Pathol. 2022 May 4;157(5):731-741.
DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqab186. PMID: 34724038. - Atypische femurfracturen: overzicht van de epidemiologie en de behandeling aan de hand van een casus
A. Strobbe, D. Slock & B. Maeyaert; 2 augustus 2022
DOI: 10.47671/TVG.78.22.063 - Severe treatment-induced inflammatory polyarthritis in advanced melanoma patients: 2 case reports.
Melanoma Res 2022, 32:200–204.
Lauwyck J, Schreuer M, Meric de Bellefon et. al. - Long-Term Outcome of Single-Session, Ultrasound- Guided, Radiofrequency Ablation for Symptomatic Small, Lower Limb, Venous Malformations
Laurence Verhaeghe, Igne Fourneau, Veerle Labarque, Jan Vranckx, Steve Pans en Geert Maleux - Functional Analyses of Two Novel LRRK2 Pathogenic Variants in Familial Parkinson's Disease
Ilda Coku, Eugénie Mutez, Sabiha Eddarkaoui, Sébastien Carrier, Antoine Marchand, Claire Deldycke, Liesel Goveas, Guillaume Baille, Mélissa Tir, Romain Magnez, Xavier Thuru, Gaëlle Vermeersch, Wim Vandenberghe, Luc Buée, Luc Defebvre, Bernard Sablonnière, Marie-Christine Chartier-Harlin, Jean-Marc Taymans en Vincent Huin - Meningococcal pericarditis caused by the MenW:cc11 strain in an older adult. Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine.
Publicatie: Moerman, Gaëlle; D Verleyen; Rogiers, Ph; J Hoste; Wesley Mattheus; K Floré. - Severe treatment-induced inflammatory polyarthritis in advanced melanoma patients: 2 case reports.
Melanoma Res 2022, 32:200–204. - Zeldzame locaties voor jichttophi
Plankova Z, Jacques P, Van Den Bosch F. TVGG, 2022 - Peripheral manifestations are major determinants of disease phenotype and outcome in new onset spondyloarthritis
De Craemer AS, Renson T, Deroo L, Van Praet L, Cypers H, Varkas G, Joos R, Devinck M, Gyselbrecht L, Peene I, Thevissen K, Costantino F, D'Agostino MA, Lenaerts J, Carron P, Van den Bosch F, Elewaut D. Rheumatology (Oxford), 2022. - Environmental and societal factors associated with COVID-19-related death in people with rheumatic disease: an observational study. ICOVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Registry.Lancet Rheumatol. 2022 Sep;4(9):e603-e613.
DOI: 10.1016/S2665-9913(22)00192-8, 2022 - Discriminative power of salivary gland ultrasound in relation to symptom-based endotypes in suspected and definite primary Sjögren's Syndrome
Liselotte Deroo, Helena Achten, Kristel De Boeck, Eva Genbrugge, Wouter Bauters, Dimitri Roels, Frederick Dochy, David Creytens, Ann-Sophie De Craemer, Filip Van den Bosch, Dirk Elewaut, Isabelle Peene - Azithromycin for treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients: a randomised, multicentre, open-label clinical trial (DAWn-AZITHRO) Iwein Gyselinck, Laurens Liesenborghs, Ann Belmans, Matthias M Engelen, Albrecht Betrains, Quentin Van Thillo, Pham Anh Hong Nguyen, Pieter Goeminne, Ann-Catherine Soenen, Nikolaas De Maeyer, Charles Pilette, Emmanuelle Papleux, Eef Vanderhelst , Aurélie Derweduwen, Patrick Alexander, Bernard Bouckaert, Jean-Benoît Martinot, Lynn Decoster, Kurt Vandeurzen, Rob Schildermans, Peter Verhamme, Wim Janssens, Robin Vos, 2022
- Verlieservaringen bij kinderen: een leidraad voor hulpverleners. L. Keirse, S. Willems, E. Nelis, H. Geerts, E. Holvoet, M. Keirse. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Gezondheidszorg.
DOI: 10.47571/TVG.77.21.128. 2021 (september). - Hyperactief delier bij een 11-jarige jongen met juveniele neuronale ceroid lipofuscinose en SARS-COV-2-infectie. S. Willems, E. Nelis. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Gezondheidszorg.
DOI: 10.47671/TVG.77.21.071. 2021 (juni). - Spinal subdural hygroma. B. Sneyers, K. Ramboer. Acta. Neurol Belg. Epub ahead of print. 2021 (jan).
- Three‐dimensional margin assessment in head and neck malignancies using a submillimetric FDG‐PET‐/CT, results of an ongoing clinical trial. Debacker J, ... Dochy F., ... Huvenne W. Abstract for ECHNO 2021
- Het traject van een patiënt met een hoofd‐ en halsmaligniteit in België.
Dochy F, Deron P, Tomassen P, Duprez F, Rottey S, Jacobs C, De Prins A, Saelens J, Huvenne W. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde en gezondheidszorg 2021
- Coracoid process transfer for anterior shoulder instability; a pectoralis minor sparing method. J. Beckers, T. Van Isacker, B. Berghs. Acta Orthop. Belg. 2020 sep, volume 86, issue 3.
- BCAP31-related syndrome: the first de novo report. B. Rinaldi, E. Van Hoof, A. Corveleyn, A. Van Cauter, T. de Ravel. Eur J Med Genet. 63 (2), Epub. 2020.
- Stroke coach: a pilot study of a personal digital coaching program for patients after ischemic stroke. O. Kamoen, V. Maqueda, L. Yperzeele, H. Pottel, P. Cras, G. Vanhooren, P. Vanacker. Acta Neurol Bel. 120 (1), 91-97. 2020
- Association between nursing support levels and effectiveness of golimumab in the management of patients with rheumatologic diseases. H. Leroi, V. Badot, F. De Keyser, M. Devinck, P. Geusens, S. Kleimberg, C. Swinnen, C. Roggeman. Rheumatol Ther. 7 (2), 401-413. 2020.
- International consesnus on the diagnosis and management of dumping syndrome. E. Scarpellini, J. Arts, G. Karamanolis, A. Laurenius, W. Siquini, H. Suzuki, A. Ukleja, A. Van Beeck, T. Vanuytsel, S. Bor, E. Ceppa, C. Di Lorenzo, M. Emous, H. Hammer, P. Hellström, M. Laville, L. Lundell, A. Masclee, P. Ritz, J. Tack. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 16 (8), 448-466. 2020.
- Effects of Rome IV definitions of functional dyspepsia subgroups in secondary care. K. Van den Houte, F. Carbone, N. Goelen, J. Schol, I. Masuy, J. Arts, P. Caenepeel, D. Staessen, P. Vergauwe, G. Van Roey, P. Latour, H. Piessevaux.P. Maldague, A. Gerkens, F. Wuestenberghs, A. Vandenberghe, J. Tack. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 6, S1542-3565. Online ahead of print. 2020.
- Varicella-zoster virus infection manifesting as limbic encephalitis. M. Wang, K. Ramboer. Neuroradiology. 62, 1-107. 2020.
- Total hip arthroplasty using the direct anterior approach and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring for Crowe III hip dysplasia: surgical technique and case series. J. Van Lommel, M. Sutter, M. Leunig. Acta Orthop Belg. 86 (1), 22-27. 2020 (march).
- Acetabular reconstruction with a custom-made triflange acetabular component through direct anterior approach - a case report. A. Van Eemeren, J. Vanlommel, M. Vandekerckhove. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 11 (Suppl 2), S211-S213. 2020 (march).
- Congress highlights - Belgian multidisciplinary meeting on urologic cancer. S. Albisinni, N. Liefhooghe, D. De Maeseneer, P. De Visschere, S. Van Laere. BJMO clinic. 10 SE, 29-32. 2020.
- Targeting FGFR in bladder cancer: ready for clinial practice? S. De Keukeleire, D. De Maeseneer, C. Jabocs, S. Rottey. Acta Clin Belg. 75 (1), 49-56. 2020.
- Haemoptysis as the first presentation of COVID-19: a case report. E. Peys, D. Stevens. YV. Weygaerde, T. Malfait, L. Hermie, P. Rogiers, P. Depuydt, E. Van Braeckel. BMC Pulm Med. 20 (1), 275. 2020.
- A breathtaking spectacle. C. Van de Bruaene, T. Flamant, P. Rogiers. Eur J Intern Med. 73, 92-93. 2020
- High levels of kinesiophobia at discharge from the hospital may negatively affect the short-term functional outcome of patients who have undergone knee replacement surgery. H. De Vroey, K. Claeys, K. Shariatmadar, I. Weygers, E. Vereecke, G. Van Damme, H. Hallez, F. Staes. J Clin Med. 9 (3), 738. 2020
- Thoracolumbar spinal arteriovenous shunt as a rare cause of thunderclap headache in a young man. A. Cant, A. Van Holsbeeck, N. Vantomme, N. Libbrecht. Acta Neurologica Belgica. Online ahead of print (2020)
- GHB-misbruik bij een zwangere patiënt in de klinische praktijk. T. Santy, G. Heylens, K. Audenaert. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 62 (10), 896-900. 2020.
- Establishment of common reference intervals for hematology parameters in adults, measured in a multicenter study on the sysmex XN-series analyzer. L. Florin, M. Oyaert, M. Vandevenne, J. Van den Bossche, M. Vanden Driessche, R. Claeys, L. Marcelis, J. Robbrechts, N. Jacobs, A. Nijs, K. Janssen, A. Van Ruymbeke, G. De Muelenaere, V. Stove. Int J Lab Hematol, 42 (3), e110-e115. 2020.
- Tofacitinib induces clinical and endoscopic remission in biologic refractory ulcerative colitis patients: a real-world Belgium cohort study. A. Cremer, T. Lobaton, S. Vieujean, P. Bossuyt, J-F. Rahier, F.J. Baert, O. Dewit, E. Macken, M. Somers, A. Vijverman, P. Van Hootegem, F. Mana, B. Willandt, P. Caenepeel, E. Humblet, F. D'Heygere, A. Verreth, A. El Nawar, J-L. Coenegrachts, S. Dewit, S. De Coninck, N. Schoofs, S. Delen, J. Dutre, C. Thienpont, S. Vanden Branden, D. Staessen, D. Franchimont. Gastroenterology, vol 158 (6). 2020
- Deep remission at 1 year is not associated with better outcome in Crohn's disease: long-term data from Tailorix. B. Pariente, G.R. D'Haens, L. Peyrin-Biroulet, N. Duveau, G. Lambrecht, P. Bossuyt, Y. Bouhnik. E. Louis, C.J. Van der Woude, A. Buisson, P. Van Hootegem, M. Allez, J. Filippi, H. Brixi, C. Giletta, A. Aubourg, F.J. Baert, S. Vermeire, D. Laharie. Gastroenterology, vol. 158 (6), (S192-S192°. 2020
- Effectiveness and persistence of Vedolizumab in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results from the Belgian REal-LIfe study with VEdolizumab (Be-RELIVE). C. Reenaers, A. Cremer, O. Dewit, B. De Vroey, W. Van Moerkercke, P. Bossuyt, V. Muls, J. Imschoot, S. Block, A. Hantson, P. Van Hootegem. Acta Gastro-enterologica Belgica, 83 (1), 15-23. 2020
- Endoscopic removal of an extraluminal, intrapancreatic dislocated common bile duct stone. T. Billiet, A. Holvoet, S. Decock, J. Arts, J-M. Gillardin, P. Van Hootegem, W. Laleman. Endoscopy, 52 (2), E59-E60. 2020.
- Is Crohn's disease a rightly used eponym? P. Van Hootegem, Travis S. Journal of Crohn & Colitis, 14 (6), 867-871. 2020
- COVID-19 and digestive health. M. Peck-Radosavljevic, S. Danese, D. Hartmann, A.Saftoiu, P. Van Hootegem. United European Gastroenterology Journal. 2020, Vol. 8(5), 624-626.
- What can we expect following anterior total hip arthroplasty on a regular operating table? A validation study of an artificial intelligence algorithm to monitor adverse events in a high-volume, non-academic setting. C. Van de Meulebroucke, J. Beckers, K. Corten. Arthroplasty. 2019 oct; 34(10), 2260-2266. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2019.07.039.
- Middle ear problems in children with cleft palate: a cross‐sectional study. F. Dochy, E. Vanheule, E. De Leenheer, H. Van Hoecke. Archives of Otolaryngology and Rhinology 2019 5(3)
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- Ear‐ and hearing‐related impact on quality of life in children with cleft palate: development and pretest of an instrument. J. De Paepe, F. Dochy, S. Willems, H. Van Hoecke, E. De Leenheer. International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2019 (122)
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- Essential role of Transient Receptor Potential M8 (TRPM8) in a model of acute cold-induced urinary urgency. P. Uvin, J. Franken, S. Pinto, R. Rietjens, L. Grammet, Y. Deruyver, Y.A. Alpizar, K. Talavera, R. Vennekens, W. Everaerts, D. De Ridder, T. Voets. Eur. Urol. 68(4), 655-61
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- Largest reported prospective evaluation of a low FODMAP Diet in IBS patients. J. Arts, J. Tack, Tr. Lanssens, R. van Schaik, R. Spitaels, A. Holvoet, S. Decock, P. Van Hootegem. Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica 2015, 78, 1 B18
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