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  • Coracoid process transfer for anterior shoulder instability; a pectoralis minor sparing method. J. Beckers, T. Van Isacker, B. Berghs. Acta Orthop. Belg. 2020 sep, volume 86, issue 3. 
  • BCAP31-related syndrome: the first de novo report. B. Rinaldi, E. Van Hoof, A. Corveleyn, A. Van Cauter, T. de Ravel. Eur J Med Genet. 63 (2), Epub. 2020.
  • Stroke coach: a pilot study of a personal digital coaching program for patients after ischemic stroke. O. Kamoen, V. Maqueda, L. Yperzeele, H. Pottel, P. Cras, G. Vanhooren, P. Vanacker. Acta Neurol Bel. 120 (1), 91-97. 2020
  • Association between nursing support levels and effectiveness of golimumab in the management of patients with rheumatologic diseases. H. Leroi, V. Badot, F. De Keyser, M. Devinck, P. Geusens, S. Kleimberg, C. Swinnen, C. Roggeman. Rheumatol Ther. 7 (2), 401-413. 2020.
  • International consesnus on the diagnosis and management of dumping syndrome. E. Scarpellini, J. Arts, G. Karamanolis, A. Laurenius, W. Siquini, H. Suzuki, A. Ukleja, A. Van Beeck, T. Vanuytsel, S. Bor, E. Ceppa, C. Di Lorenzo, M. Emous, H. Hammer, P. Hellström, M. Laville, L. Lundell, A. Masclee, P. Ritz, J. Tack. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 16 (8), 448-466. 2020.
  • Effects of Rome IV definitions of functional dyspepsia subgroups in secondary care. K. Van den Houte, F. Carbone, N. Goelen, J. Schol, I. Masuy, J. Arts, P. Caenepeel, D. Staessen, P. Vergauwe, G. Van Roey, P. Latour, H. Piessevaux.P. Maldague, A. Gerkens, F. Wuestenberghs, A. Vandenberghe, J. Tack. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 6, S1542-3565. Online ahead of print. 2020.
  • Varicella-zoster virus infection manifesting as limbic encephalitis. M. Wang, K. Ramboer. Neuroradiology. 62, 1-107. 2020.
  • Total hip arthroplasty using the direct anterior approach and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring for Crowe III hip dysplasia: surgical technique and case series. J. Van Lommel, M. Sutter, M. Leunig. Acta Orthop Belg. 86 (1), 22-27. 2020 (march).
  • Acetabular reconstruction with a custom-made triflange acetabular component through direct anterior approach - a case report. A. Van Eemeren, J. Vanlommel, M. Vandekerckhove. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 11 (Suppl 2), S211-S213. 2020 (march).
  • Congress highlights - Belgian multidisciplinary meeting on urologic cancer. S. Albisinni, N. Liefhooghe, D. De Maeseneer, P. De Visschere, S. Van Laere. BJMO clinic. 10 SE, 29-32. 2020.
  • Targeting FGFR in bladder cancer: ready for clinial practice? S. De Keukeleire, D. De Maeseneer, C. Jabocs, S. Rottey. Acta Clin Belg. 75 (1), 49-56. 2020.
  • Haemoptysis as the first presentation of COVID-19: a case report. E. Peys, D. Stevens. YV. Weygaerde, T. Malfait, L. Hermie, P. Rogiers, P. Depuydt, E. Van Braeckel. BMC Pulm Med. 20 (1), 275. 2020.
  • A breathtaking spectacle. C. Van de Bruaene, T. Flamant, P. Rogiers. Eur J Intern Med. 73, 92-93. 2020
  • High levels of kinesiophobia at discharge from the hospital may negatively affect the short-term functional outcome of patients who have undergone knee replacement surgery. H. De Vroey, K. Claeys, K. Shariatmadar, I. Weygers, E. Vereecke, G. Van Damme, H. Hallez, F. Staes. J Clin Med. 9 (3), 738. 2020
  • Thoracolumbar spinal arteriovenous shunt as a rare cause of thunderclap headache in a young man. A. Cant, A. Van Holsbeeck, N. Vantomme, N. Libbrecht. Acta Neurologica Belgica. Online ahead of print (2020)
  • GHB-misbruik bij een zwangere patiënt in de klinische praktijk. T. Santy, G. Heylens, K. Audenaert. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 62 (10), 896-900. 2020.
  • Establishment of common reference intervals for hematology parameters in adults, measured in a multicenter study on the sysmex XN-series analyzer. L. Florin, M. Oyaert, M. Vandevenne, J. Van den Bossche, M. Vanden Driessche, R. Claeys, L. Marcelis, J. Robbrechts, N. Jacobs, A. Nijs, K. Janssen, A. Van Ruymbeke, G. De Muelenaere, V. Stove. Int J Lab Hematol, 42 (3), e110-e115. 2020.
  • Tofacitinib induces clinical and endoscopic remission in biologic refractory ulcerative colitis patients: a real-world Belgium cohort study. A. Cremer, T. Lobaton, S. Vieujean, P. Bossuyt, J-F. Rahier, F.J. Baert, O. Dewit, E. Macken, M. Somers, A. Vijverman, P. Van Hootegem, F. Mana, B. Willandt, P. Caenepeel, E. Humblet, F. D'Heygere, A. Verreth, A. El Nawar, J-L. Coenegrachts, S. Dewit, S. De Coninck, N. Schoofs, S. Delen, J. Dutre, C. Thienpont, S. Vanden Branden, D. Staessen, D. Franchimont. Gastroenterology, vol 158 (6). 2020
  • Deep remission at 1 year is not associated with better outcome in Crohn's disease: long-term data from Tailorix. B. Pariente, G.R. D'Haens, L. Peyrin-Biroulet, N. Duveau, G. Lambrecht, P. Bossuyt, Y. Bouhnik. E. Louis, C.J. Van der Woude, A. Buisson, P. Van Hootegem, M. Allez, J. Filippi, H. Brixi, C. Giletta, A. Aubourg, F.J. Baert, S. Vermeire, D. Laharie. Gastroenterology, vol. 158 (6), (S192-S192°. 2020
  • Effectiveness and persistence of Vedolizumab in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results from the Belgian REal-LIfe study with VEdolizumab (Be-RELIVE). C. Reenaers, A. Cremer, O. Dewit, B. De Vroey, W. Van Moerkercke, P. Bossuyt, V. Muls, J. Imschoot, S. Block, A. Hantson, P. Van Hootegem. Acta Gastro-enterologica Belgica, 83 (1), 15-23. 2020
  • Endoscopic removal of an extraluminal, intrapancreatic dislocated common bile duct stone. T. Billiet, A. Holvoet, S. Decock, J. Arts, J-M. Gillardin, P. Van Hootegem, W. Laleman. Endoscopy, 52 (2), E59-E60. 2020.
  • Is Crohn's disease a rightly used eponym? P. Van Hootegem, Travis S. Journal of Crohn & Colitis, 14 (6), 867-871. 2020
  • COVID-19 and digestive health. M. Peck-Radosavljevic, S. Danese, D. Hartmann, A.Saftoiu, P. Van Hootegem. United European Gastroenterology Journal. 2020, Vol. 8(5), 624-626.



  • Multifocale avasculaire necrose: een case-report. E. Linden, P. Linden, G. Huygh, K. Peers, R. Parys. Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde, 75, nr. 18. 2018.
  • Evaluation of the CellaVision DM96 advanced RBC application for screening and follow-up of malaria infection. J. Emmerechts, L. Florin, K. Maelegheer, A. Muyldermans, E. Nulens, M. Van Esbroeck. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018
  • The impact of repeated freeze - thaw cycles on antiphosholipid antibody titer. K. Maelegheer, K. Devreese. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2018.
  • Same day identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing on positive blood cultures: a simple and inexpensive procedure. K. Maelegheer, E. Nulens. EJCM. 2018
  • Een 92-jarige vrouw met pijnloze actieve extensiebeperking ter hoogte van de metacarpofalangeale gewrichten. K. Faverel, P. Roman, T. Carpentier. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 2018, 74(1).
  • Een 48-jarige man met een pijnlijke zwelling in de rechterhand. B. Trenson, B. Maeyaert, D. Slock, S. Trenson, K. Peers. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2019, jaargang 74, volume 14-15, 996-999.
  • Fatigue syndrome: Stress, Burnout and Depression in Urology. M. Rodriguez Socarras, J.L. Vasquez, P. Uvin, P. Skjold-Kingo, J. Gómez Rivas. Arch. Esp. Urol. 71 (1), 46-54
  • Hematometrocolpos due to an imperforate hymen. T. Bekaert, K. Ramboer. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology, 2018, 102(1), p.2.
  • Safety and efficacy of pasireotide in dumping syndrome - results from a phase 2, multicentre study. J. Tack, J. Aberle, J. Arts, M. Laville, J.-M. Oppert, G. Bender, S. Bhoyrul, T. McLaughlin, T. Yoshikawa, A. Vella, J. Zhou, V.Q. Passos, P. O'Connell, A.P. Van Beek. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2018; 1-12
  • Spinal hygroma: a discriminated entity. B. Sneyers, K. Ramboer, P. Hoste. Neuroradiology, september 2018, volume 30, sup2, S 522.


  • Association of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Intracranial Hypotension: Review of 3 cases. L. Sinnaeve, L. Vanopdenbosch, K. Paemeleire. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2017, 26(8), e165-e169
  • Additive effects of the Rho Kinase Inhibitor Y-27632 and vardenafil on relaxation of corpus cavernosum tissue of patients with erectile dysfunction and clinical phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor failure. P. Uvin, M. Albersen, I. Bollen, M. Falter, L. Linsen, H. Tinel, P. Sandner, T. Bivalacqua, D. De Ridder, F. Van Der Aa, B. Brône, K. Van Renterghem. BJU Int. 119(2), 325-32
  • Incidentally detected renal arteriovenous malformation: a case report and review of literature. B. Hermans, P. Uvin, J.L. Vanhoucke, L. Goeman, L. Verhamme, K. Boel, H. Van Der Eecken, T. Ryckaert, J. Marrannes, S. Joniau, W. Marchand. EMJ Urol. 5(1), 71-5
  • Koorts en hoestbuien bij een 46-jarige patiënt met psoriasisartritis. J. Vandekerckhove, P. Rogiers, B. Maeyaert. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2017, 73, nr. 14-15, 925-930. 
  • Liver disease late in pregnancy without pre-eclampsia. C. Beyls, S. Decock, J. Arts, V. Ballegeer, C. Verslype, P. Van Hootegem. Acta gastroenterologica Belgica, 2017, 80, 1, 53-57
  • Perceived role of social media in urologic knowledge acquisition among young urologists: a European survey. J.A. Gómez Rivas, M.E. Rodriguez Socarras, G. Patruno, P. Uvin, F. Esperto, P.J. Dinis, M. Roupret, H. Borgmann. Eur.Urol. Focus, accepted Nov. 18
  • Ultrasonography is not inferior to fluoroscopy to guide extracorporeal shock waves during treatment of renal and upper ureteric calculi: a randomized prospective study. J. Van Besien, P. Uvin, I. Hermie, T. Tailly, L. Merckx. Biomed. Res. Int., accepted March 29


  • Evaluation of the methaphyseal ulnar shortening technique according to Sennwald. J. Beckers, B. The, I. Degreef, L. Desmet. Acta Orthop. Belg.. 2016, 82, 280-286.
  • Innovaties verruimen diagnostische mogelijkheden binnen de microbiologie. K. Maelegheer. AZ Link AZ Sint-Jan Brugge. 2016
  • Hersenvliesontsteking: 1 test, 14 pathogenen, in 1 uur. K. Maelegheer. Ziekenhuisverslag AZ Sint-Jan Brugge. 2016
  • A case of nosocomial Legionnaires' disease. The importance of early diagnosis, adequate prevention and eradication measures. A. Lucardie, P. Rogiers, K. Floré. Acta Clinica Belgica, 2016, 71, nr. 5, 323-326.
  • A protocol for sustained reduction of Total Parenteral Nutrition and cost savings by improvement of nutritional care in hospitals. R. van Schaik, K. Van den Abeele, G. Melsens, P. Schepens, Truus Lanssens, B. Vlaemynck, M. Devisch, T. A. Niewold. Clinical Nutrition Espen 15 (2016), 114-121.
  • An unusual and underdiagnosed cause of chronic diarrhea. K. De Groote, J. Arts, S. Decock, P. Van Hootegem, C. Verbist, N. Lips, R. De Gersem, A. Holvoet. Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica, 2016, 79, CO2
  • A rare cause of dizziness and gait ataxia: clippers syndrome. W. Maenhoudt, K. Ramboer, V. Maqueda. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology, 2016 Feb, 100(1):20, 1-4
  • Bariatric surgery registration in women of reproductive age, a multicenter prospective cohort study. G. Jans, C. Matthys, S. Bel, L. Ameye, M. Lannoo, B. Van der Schueren, B. Dillemans, L. Lemmens, JP Saey, Y. van Nieuwenhove, P. Grandjean, B. De Becker, H. Logghe, M. Coppens, K. Roelens, A. Loccufier, J. Verhaeghe, R. Devlieger. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 29 Jul. 2016, 16(1), 195. doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-0992-y 
  • BRCA2 gene mutation and risk of agressive prostate cancer. F. Baekelandt, W. Everaerts, M. Albersen, B. Van Cleynenbreugel, U. Milenkovic, C. Assenmacher, S. Joniau. Belgian Journal Med. Oncol. 2016, 10(6), 223-227
  • Drug-Level based dosing versus symptom-based dose adaptation in patients with Crohn's disease: a prospective, randomized multicenter study (TAILORIX). G. R. D'Haens, S. Vermeire, G. Lambrecht, F. J. Baert, P. Bossuyt, M. Nachury, A. Buisson, Y. Bouhnik, J. Filippi, C. J. Van Der Woude, P. Van Hootegem, J. Moreau, E. Louis, D. Franchimont, M. De Vos, F. Mana, L. Peyrin-Biroulet, H. Brixi, M. Allez, Ph. Caenepeel, A. Aubourg, B. Oldenburg, M. Pierik, S. Chevret, A. Gils, D. Laharie. Gastroenterology, 2016, 150, 4, S143
  • Een jongeman met diffuus verspreide longnoduli. I. Casteleyn, A. Beirinckx, E. De Moerloose E., K. Floré, Ph. Rogiers. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2016, 72 (21), 1235-1239
  • Efficacy of Mirtazapine in patients with functional Dyspepsia and weight loss. J. Tack, H.G. Ly, F. Carbone, H. Vanheel, T. Vanuytsel, L. Holvoet, G. Boeckxstaens, P. Caenepeel, J. Arts, L. Van Oudenhove. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. March 2016, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 385-392
  • Influence of social media on urological knowledge acquistion among young urologists across Europe. J.A. Gómez Rivas, P. Uvin, M.E. Rodriguez Socarras, G. Patruno, F. Esperto, P.J. Dinis, H. Borgmann.  EMJ Urol 4(1), 52-3
  • Multidrug-resistant cytomegalovirus infection in a pediatric stem cell transplantation patient. T. Bauters, V. Bordon, L. Florin, R. Snoeck, G. Andrei, S. Gillemot, P. Fiten, G. Opdenakker, G. Laureys, E. Padalko. Antiviral research 2016, vol. 132, p. 149-153
  • Oesophageal biopsies are insufficient to predict final histology after endoscopic resection in early Barrett's neoplasia. E. Werbrouck, G. De Hertogh, X. Sagaert, G. Coremans, H. Willekens, I. Demedts, R. Bisschops. United European Gastroenterology Journal. 2016, Vol 4(5): 663-668.
  • Omkeerbaarheid van sterilisaties. T. Deckers, T. Hamerlynck, S. Weyers. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2016, 72, nr. 18, 1069-1076
  • Prevalence, risk factors, and clinical relevance of fluoroquinoloneresistant organisms in rectal cultures: should we target antibiotic prophylaxis prior to prostate biopsy? J. Van Besien, P. Uvin, A.M. Van den Abeele, L. Merckx. Adv. Urol. 5392107
  • Renal metastasis of a malignant myopericytoma: a case report and review of literature. J. Van Besien, P. Uvin, C. Van den Broecke, D. Creytens, L. Merckx. EMJ Urol. 4(1), 82-7
  • Het Zikavirus, microcefalie en het syndroom van Guillain-Barré: bespreking van de huidige epidemie. W. Minne, M. Spaas, K. Floré, F. Delporte, F. Claerhout. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2016, 72(10), 611-618
  • Urodynamic changes in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis correlate with neurological impairment. J. Franken, T. Gevaert, P. Uvin, K. Wauterickx, A.C. Boeve, R. Rietjens, M. Boudes, J.J. Hendriks, N. Hellings, T. Voets, D. De Ridder. Neurourol. Urodyn. 35(4), 450-6.


  • IL-17 inhibition to treat psoriatic arthritis. R. Speeckaert, L. Claeys, J.R. Delanghe, M.M. Speeckaert. Drugs of Today, 2016, 52 (11), 607-616.
  • Relevance of congenital melanocytic naevi in vitiligo. N. Van Geel, B. Van Poucke, B. Van de Maele, R. Speeckaert. British Journal of Dermatology, 2015, 172(4), 1052-1057
  • Acquired pancreatic arteriovenous malformation. A. Van Holsbeeck, I. Dalle, K. Geldof, L. Verhaeghe, K. Ramboer. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology, 2015, 99(1), 37-41 
  • A randomised, double-blind trial comparing budesonide formulations and dosages for short-term treatment of eosinophilic oesophagitis. S. Miehlke, P. Hruz, M. Vieth, C. Bussmann, U. von Arnim, Bajbouj, C. Schlag, A. Madisch, C. Fibbe, H. Wittenburg, HD. Allescher, M. Reinshagen, S. Schubert, J. Tack, M. Müller, P. Krummenerl, J. Arts, R. Mueller, K. Dilger, R. Greinwald, A. Straumann. Gut 2015 Mar 19 
  • Battling resistance mechanisms in antihormonal prostate cancer treatment: Novel agents and combinations. D. De Maeseneer, C. Van Praet, N. Lumen, S. Rottey. Urol. Oncol. 2015 Jul, 33(7), 310-321. Doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2015.01.008. Epub 2015 Feb 21. Review
  • Clinical and scientific aspects related to biosimilars in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): position document of the Belgian IBD Research & Development Group (BIRD). S. Vermeire, E. Louis, O. Dewit, D. Franchimont, T. Moreels, M. Ferrante, J.-F. Rahier, P. Van Hootegem, M. De Vos, F. Mana and F. Baert. Acta gastroenterologica Belgica, 78(1), 26-29
  • Een obese patiënt met gestoorde levertesten: niet altijd niet-alcoholische steatohepatitis. C. Beyls, J. Arts, A. Holvoet, P. Van Hootegem, I. Dalle, D. Cassiman, S. Decock. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2015, 71, 1641-1645
  • Essential role of Transient Receptor Potential M8 (TRPM8) in a model of acute cold-induced urinary urgency. P. Uvin, J. Franken, S. Pinto, R. Rietjens, L. Grammet, Y. Deruyver, Y.A. Alpizar, K. Talavera, R. Vennekens, W. Everaerts, D. De Ridder, T. Voets. Eur. Urol. 68(4), 655-61
  • Evaluation of the new methotrexate cmia assay on the architect I2000SR. L. Florin, C. Lemahieu, V. Stove. Clinical Chemestry and Laboratory Medicine 2015, vol. 54, p. e15-e17
  • IGM interference in the abbott invanco immunoassy: a case report. L. Florin, A. Vantilborgh, S. Pauwels, T. Vanwynsberghe, P. Vermeersch, V. Stove. Clinica Chimica Acta 2015, vol. 447, p. 32-33
  • Largest reported prospective evaluation of a low FODMAP Diet in IBS patients. J. Arts, J. Tack, Tr. Lanssens, R. van Schaik, R. Spitaels, A. Holvoet, S. Decock, P. Van Hootegem. Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica 2015, 78, 1 B18
  • Liposarcoom, een toevallige vondst bij een patiënt met een darmobstructie. E. Werbrouck, W. Peetermans, D. Hompes, R. Sciot, M. Debiec-Rychter. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2015, 71, nr. 16
  • Long term functional results after unilateral mid-urethral sling release for voiding dysfunction. F. Baekelandt, P. Van Oyen, C. Ghysel, J. Ampe. European Urology Supplements 04-2015, 14(2):e66. Doi: 10.1016/S1569-9056(15)60068-9
  • Pasireotide in dumping syndrome - results from a phase 2, international, multicentre study. J. Tack, J. Arts, J. Aberle, J.C. LaRocque, V. Q. Passos, P. O'Connell, A.P. van Beek. Abstract UEGW 2015